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2. Outreach Services

The MFMW Provides welfare services for migrant workers in different areas in Hong Kong by delivering Migrant Care Centres (MCCs) on Sundays with our partner migrant organisations and volunteers. Our services covered different parts in Hong Kong where Migrants gather in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories.

Apart from MCCs, we also reached out to the migrant community from time to time by conducting outreach visits to give care and to understand better the needs of migrants’ communities. We distribute educational materials and giveaways. During the COVID-19 pandemic we have distributed masks, sanitiser and provided in language resources to over 10,000 migrant domestic workers.

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1. Guidance and Assistance
Case Guidance   
  •     Labour And Employment Assistance Program  

    • Accompaniment to courts and tribunals

    • Provide paralegal assistance and support for the relief of the sufferings and vulnerability of migrant workers when in crisis.

    • Assist in computation of claims, preparing document, accompanying clients in their labour case 

    • Claims recovered 

  • Welfare , emergency and medical assistance 

3. Prison and hospital visits

Pastoral Care And Social Welfare

  • Provide timely services for migrant workers include counseling beyond labor-related matters (psycho-social concerns), visitation in hospitals and prisons, and provision of temporary shelter to distressed migrant women especially.

4. Shelter and food assistance

The MFMW provide emergency shelter service through The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge (Bethune House). Bethune House is a registered charitable institution under the companies ordinance in Hong Kong. It was established in 1986 under the Mission for Migrant Workers to provide charitable assistance and social counseling to the needy migrant workers and their families.

Bethune House provide emergency relief and places of refuge for the needy and distressed Asian migrants and make available guidance and counseling, including para-legal advice to residents and drop-in clients.
As a social center where present and past residents can interact and mutually support one another, we encourage the residents to get involved in social and cultural activities , as tell as skills training making during their free time.
We provide a continuing education for residents enabling them to better cope with problems that migrant workers confront.

5. Referrals to professional services

The MFMW partners with local service providers and professionals to deliver our services.

1. Legal services

2.Health Related services

  • Counselling services/ Therapist

  • Dental services

  • Women’s health services

  • Chiropractors

  • Local Government services

  • Consulates services and assistance

    After accessing needs of service users, we make referrals to allow migrant workers to be cared for by other professional services.


The Mission For Migrant Workers (MFMW) is a registered charitable organization dedicated to delivering responsive services to migrants in Hong Kong

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